Thursday, February 19, 2009

Damon Kruezer has his ass handed to him again

I seems that some people just won't learn. When I say some people I mean Damon Kruezer. First he boldly lies about his Cybersocket attendance then he lies about being the first to reveal the merger between Raging Stallion and ABEN and Naked Sword. I guess he thinks by back dating a post on his website he can claim that he was first. Guess again Kentie. your lies and fraud are no longer working. Well today it seems that Damon's BFF MJ Taylor just handed Damon Kruezer the truth.

MJ goes on to say "The whole reason I am writing this post is because I have been receiving a chain of nonsense emails." Kentie I wonder who he is referring too. He also says "I have been advised by my people for over a year now to not coincide with a certain blogger and I pretty much tried to maintain that status with the exception of answering a few questions here and there." Ooh Kentie I bet that's gotta hurt. As you can see Kentie and all of his bullshit about hanging out with models and going to all of these fabulous parties is just a big Lie on Damon's part.

Why is Damon still here trying to get the world to believe that he matters. I hope the view from his window of the dumpsters out side of his "penthouse"will let him know where his reputation and his career are going. Poor Kentie can it get any worse? You bet it can and if you keep sticking your smelly nose where it does not belong you can count on it. The truth squad does what it does because you do what you do. Get it Kentie we don't like you and it has nothing to do with the fact that you are gay. I has to do with the fact that you are nasty and evil.

Update: Damon posts more lies on his blog about how he is being dissed by the mainstream gay media. He is claiming that he is not being given credit for his news stories. What is funny is that several other news sites have posted stories about the ABEN-Naked Sword-Raging Stallion merger. It seems that all of the media outlets were all working off of the same press release including Damon. Damon just posted his and back dated the post. Yes that is correct Damon posted it and changed the time to make it appear that he posted it before everyone else posted it. This is not the first time he has done this and it backfired then as well.

Damon is also claiming that he is being unfairly treated by several websites who will not allow him to post on their forums. Apparently he does not get the fact that they don't want him and all of his sock puppets posting his self promotion on their websites. The fact is that the gay porn industry have all turned their backs on him and he just is not welcomed. Damon is known for trying to extort models by spamming their email accounts. Trolling my space looking for new models and threatening models with telling their families that they are doing porn. all in an attempt to get them to talk to him.

It is also a known fact that most agencies who handle models will not allow their clients to even talk to him. Yet Damon thinks that if he claims that they are talking to him it will make it so.
Damon has expressed anger at the truth squad for bring the facts to the forefront. He is spending all of his time trying to deny the truth. He is still holding on to the lie that he is going to be reporting on the Harlow Cuadra trial and that he has important information that can get Harlow out of jail. He has claimed that he has a book deal and that he has a documentary about the case in the works. He is still holding on to the lie that he interviewed Harlow on the day before he was arrested and that he was going to run Cobra Video. There is no truth in any of those claims.

Damon Kruezer has had his ass handed to him several times in the last week and yet he still does not get it. On my affiliate blog Ebony Wood I mentioned that Adam Male was going to stop selling bareback porn yet Damon is claiming that it was he who first reported it 2 days after I ran the story, that is another Damon lie. He is now attacking Steve Cruz for working for a company that sells bareback porn. He neglects to report that they no longer produce such a product but the bareback is stuff from the old catalog. It seems that Damon is just trying to appease his only friend Paul Barrasi who's contract was not renewed at Falcons Mustang line.

And he call us haters, now that is funny.


  1. Yves, while Kentie may have fudged the exact time his post went up, which I have no way of knowing, I can say with certainty that his RS/AEBN post, which only had the bare facts and his own speculation, did go up several hours before JCA's story, which was much more fleshed out, of course.

    Also, please note this post JCA made in his story's comment thread:

    JC Adams on February 19, 2009 7:29 pm

    Jamie — The official press release hadn’t been released when I had posted my story to XBIZ and GPTimes. I’ll have an update tomorrow with quotes from everyone, including RSS.


    So in the interests of accuracy, I don't think either of them were going off of a "press release," though there may have been some kind of e-mail alert.

    Whether Kentie beat JCA or anyone else by a few hours is totally IRRELEVANT, of course -- who the hell cares? He seems to think gay-porn journalism is some kind of foot race. And no Kentie, nobody "stole" the story from you. GET OVER YOURSELF.

  2. Will I just thought that I would let you know that Damon Kruezer is lying about his scoop on the Raging Stallion-ABEN-Naked Sword Story.

    He did not post it first. He posted on his blog but he changed the time so it looked like he did it first. I have the website copied just like I always do and he added the time to make it appear that he got the sotry first.

    This is not the first time he has tried this and it won't be the last. Damon Lies and he is a fraud. always has been and always will be.

  3. Yves, I have already gone on record saying it is of absolutely NO consequence to ANYBODY whether or not Damon Kruezer beat anybody else in publishing the story. He is sadly deluded if he thinks it matters or if anybody cares.

    But if it is a matter of saying whether DK or JCA was first in posting the story, I can tell you with 100% certainty that DK had it first by just a matter of hours. This is based on first-hand observation. Just follow the thread on JOHM and you will see I am correct. You may also be correct that he changed the time stamp on his post.

    That is all I am saying.

  4. Will I understand what you are saying but I always check Damon website and I pull a copy of it and it was not on there when i first saw it on JOHM being mentioned but it was on there later with the time and the date added.

    Damon is a fraud and I agree with you that he does not matter but I just want him t know that I am on to his little game. Damon is a idiot if he thinks he can fool anybody

  5. Ya gotta update this post with the latest from MJ! He's really getting his ass kicked tonight!

  6. Who is getting their ass kicked MJ or Damon?

    Because if you think Damon is kicking MJ's ass you are so wrong about that. Damon is so full of shit that no one will go near him because he stinks.

  7. "yves mignon said...
    Will I just thought that I would let you know that Damon Kruezer is lying about his scoop on the Raging Stallion-ABEN-Naked Sword Story.

    He did not post it first. He posted on his blog but he changed the time so it looked like he did it first. I have the website copied just like I always do and he added the time to make it appear that he got the sotry first.

    This is not the first time he has tried this and it won't be the last. Damon Lies and he is a fraud. always has been and always will be."

    Good catch! Now we know that Kent was not the SECOND site to run the story:
