Thursday, June 26, 2008

Kruezer Found

Kruezer CHASED DOWN THE STREET by angry former model

Three weeks ago, Kent Barclay/Damon Kruezer was located by former model Rich Sternberg. Rich was in town to file multiple complaints against Kentie, including trips to both the Norwell and Quincy Housing Authorities. Rich actually met with the head of the authority, armed with printouts of Kent's activities. Including a photo of the fake address Kent filed in documents to the judge. Rich stayed in Quincy for a week to followup on his complaints.

Kruezer himself confirms this with his false account of Renee in the SUV- but it wasnt Renee. He was right about Renee filing her own complaints, but the person Kent saw was the same model he has been harrassing and defaming for years. I will not spell out exactly what Kent did which was against the law, but some phrasing in certain printouts, backed up when the authorities visited the web page were very very bad for Kent.

For those keeping track, that brings three different court actions made by three different entities regarding Kent Barclay's malfeasance. Here is a link to the story

I wonder if this guy is aware of the fact that Kent Barclay is using his picture?

It appears this is where Kent stole the picture from

If you would like to send Damon a note of sympathy here is his address Tobin Towers 80 Clay Street, Quincy Mass or you can call him at this number 617-847-4350

On these pages you can see Damon's lies in his own words well at least some of them are his own words, you see he stole much of the actual news from other websites. Enjoy this little trip through your past Damon.

The truth squad rules

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Angel Skye is pissed and he is not going to take it anymore

Calling to the entire adult entertainment industry (please cross link and repost)
Ok it has been a while since I have talked to everyone but I hope everyone reading is well happy and enjoying their summer.I have been showered with support these last few months, and I am so grateful to everyone who has been there for me through thick and thin.I have a lot of great things going on in my life, but for obvious reasons I am forced to keep things private from stalkers' eyes.This brings me to the reason behind this posting, and I ask every reader fan, porn star, producer, studio, director, assistant, blogger, and anyone who has a heart to please re post this, and support me.

I have tried every attempt to be a civilized person, and ask certain people to not post things about me on sites. I want the whole industry to know directly from me that today June 24 2008 at 7:29 pm I pressed charges against the man known as Kent Barclay.I have realized my dear friends that some people do not take warnings well, and that is when one must take things to action and involve the law. When presented with my case the detective found probable cause for me to pursue harassment amongst other charges against this man for the countless months of false accusations, defamation, slander, and stalker like behavior.I have plenty of witnesses who I know I can count on for their support.

I have received full permission from the people I answer to to pursue this to the full extent of the law, and I will. I am doing this for myself as well as Mathew Rush, Kevin Clarke, and everyone else who for the past ten years has had to endure this man's terrorism.I am calling on the adult entertainment industry all fellow models who read and everyone to please support me in this. I hate to have to take things to this, but enough is enough. I am also going to be joining in on Porn confidential.Com's as well as other blogs who have shut down anyone associated with this man.

This being said I do not want to receive e mails about him or anything with his name in it please my privacy has been invaded enough I want to let our fair justice system work for me as the war veteran I am.I am very calm at this point, and I want to say in closing that anyone who is supporting this man is a terrorist just like him, and anyone who is supporting him with fake information about me will also be included in my case so please be careful people because this Puerto Rican is in attack mode and will use the law to make anyone who has hurt me in any way pay.Please re post cross link e mail your parents friends etc etc let everyone know that I am through with pleading now I act!A very calm,Angel Skye

Angel has the support of the truth Squad 100%