Friday, January 25, 2008

Same old bullshit different day

The many faces of Damon

and Marc.

Damon is talking his same old shit again and now he has new pictures on his blog that he claims are he and Marc. What is it with this guy does her actually believe that anybody believes his crap. He is posting that picture of Harlow with the upside down cross again but if you look at a higher resolution picture you will clearly see that the cross is not upside down and it is another one of Damon’s lies.

Damon seems to think that everyone is out to get him, well the facts are that the only one causing Damon trouble is himself. If he would just stop his lies and falsehoods and just report on what he knows he would be a lot better off. It seems that now since no one is attacking him he thinks he has his ability to go one perpetrating his lies.

Well I have been away from this blog for a while and I feel that I need to bring some light to some of his lies. The interview with Joe and Harlow is a fraud. The names that he is using in that farce are made up and the people do not exist. Bryan Kocis did not want anything to do with Damon and the Micro drive he is claiming has the 2257 records on it does not exist because if it did he would be withholding evidence in a capitol crime and that is against the law.

Damon is so intent on trying to make himself seem more important than he really is that it is just plain funny to read his stupid blog. He has no knowledge about the porn industry other than what he reads and steals from other sites and his claims about screeners is just a big joke if you ask me. And now his latest claims about knowing Heath Ledger and Brad Renfro are just plain stupid as well.

No one in their right mind would tell Damon anything unless they wanted to destroy their own career. Damon has one goal and one goal only and that is to publicize Damon in any way that he can and if it means lying about someone he will do just that.

Has anyone ever noticed that Damon only knows you when you are dead? You know why that is don’t you? No one alive will have anything to do with his foul smelling asshole. Damon is a pig and a liar and a fraud and a plagiarist and this has been proven on more than one occasion yet he still goes about spreading his lies and bullshit. The truth about Damon is that he is a sociopath and he believes his own hype which to me is the saddest thing of them all.

From high on truth mountain this is Yves Mignon.