Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Fool From Bean Town

Update: Harlow's picture from the Dark Side as per the luezer Damon Kruezer. Does this cross look upside down to you?
Damon is truly graping at straws now. Why is Damon stooping to the depths that he is to degrade Harlow after he just claimed he was going to help them win their case. The man is a deranged luniatic.

News flash: Damon Kruezer picture

Well today we have seen proof positive that we have a real lunatic on our hands. One who claims to be the voice of Gay America? No wonder Joe and Harlow are no longer gay. I don’t want to be gay either if Damon is our voice. He is a blatant liar and a plagiarist a forger and a fabricator of facts. Damon rides on the coat tails of the dead and the incarcerated. Just look at how he has used Mark Dalton and Joe and Harlow. Look at what he did with the tragic deaths of the three men in Florida and Bryan Kocis and most recently Danny Roddick. He goes after them with a vengeance and the dead and incarcerated can not defend themselves against his attacks.

Well that all changed recently with the letters that Joe and Harlow sent him. They played him, they used his vanity and his ignorance as a weapon against him and they proved once and for all that Damon Kruezer is an idiot. That’s right Damon bought that line of bullshit hook line and sinker.

Joe and Harlow conspired to do this on their own to get back at Damon and Elmysterio did agree to help them. They set Damon up for a great fall from his pulpit of lies. His lies and slander were becoming a great nuisance and he needed to be stopped.

You all know that the Truth Squad is in full force when it comes to Damon’s lies and we will not tolerate them any longer. Damon has been posting on any blog that he could for the past several days making his claims about the letters and how Joe and Harlow are begging him for his help. Fool that he is he bought it. Then he proceeds to tell more lies, he is now claiming that he is a part owner of Boybatter. That in it self is a load of bullshit. He is also claiming to be in Florida working with the fictitious detective Jernoble. That is a lie he is in Massachusetts just like he always is hiding behind his aged mother and living off her dime.

He is now claiming that because of the letters he received that he is going to help the defense team of Joe and Harlow. Now we all know that is a load of bullshit. One day Damon is attacking them and the next he is a best friend with them. So many lies told by him that he can not even remember them all, well we can help with that we have kept a record of all of the lies and different names he has used in the last week in one easy to find place. The "Former Damon Fan blog" has become a clearinghouse for his lies and different personalities. Lets just call it one stop shopping. He has been officially band from KM and PC’s blog because of his arrogant ignorance and his comments have been deleted from most every other blog out there and posted here for your enjoyment. He has even stooped to using my name as a ploy to spread his hate

Question, why must Damon go to other people’s blogs and post under assumed names and tout his greatness? Answer: Because no one reads his Technicolor trash page. His latest revelation is about his upcoming DVD documentary about the Kocis Case is a lie. And oh and lets not forget his latest lie about a video that he is directing for Angel and Brad. I would assume that they are prevarication’s as well. So what do we have here? We have Lie after lie being told on top of lies that would explain who is one Damon Kreuzer aka Kent Barkley.

Thank you for reading my blog, Yves Mignon

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Matthew, Marc and Jon or the Trilogy of Terror

So what is in a name? Well as far as one depraved blogger claims it is everything. He has stated that people are stealing the identities of people, yet these identities do not belong too real people he made them all up. He has not stated that they were him directly yet he is pissed that some of his arsenal of aliases has been taken over by real people who he can not manipulate. What I find really sad is his smear campaign against certain bloggers who he claims are telling lies about him. The fact is he is just pulling names out of his ass trying to evoke some sort of attack from them so he can claim that he knew who they are all along.
His latest stunt for which he is backtracking to correct was really stupid. He has been lying about his boyfriend Marc for so long that I really think he believes his own hype. Then he has two new names that he is using Matthew and Jon and between these three he has formed what Elmysterio calls his "trilogy of terror" I love that. He goes from blog to blog posting his hate of other posters such as SethJ, Dane Avery, V.J. Jakester Elmysterio, Troy Halston and myself and in the same diatribe posts his praises for him self and how much people love him. And he thinks that we believe that shit, well the joke is really on him because no one does.
He claims that we are interfering with his business, which is another joke he has no business. He claims he has deep background information yet he has not even figured out who Elmysterio is yet. First he claimed Elm was in San Francisco then he claimed he was in Portland, Oregon. He claims that he spoke to Harlow on the day before his arrest and Harlow and Joe have both said that that is a lie. Damon spoke to Joe Kerkekes and we can all agree with that.
Damon has an issue with that you see he claims to be a reporter yet that one mistake has made him the laughing stock of all media. His claims on the day of the arrest were soon proven wrong and he has lost all credibility with Channel 13 in Virginia Beach. His claims that he was interviewed by Rolling Stone and Out Magazine is a lie as well, they would not talk to him. Sad is the tale of Damon Kruezer. His claims not withstanding he is a wretched old man who still lives with his mother and he has no industry connections. He does not live in New York; he has no connections in San Francisco or West Hollywood or the porn industry. His is a plagiarist and a fraud the fact of which has been proven on several occasions. So you all can believe him or the truth squad that is up to you, I going with the truth squad. BREAKING News: Here is a great link: Damoin greatest hits ,come join the fun and the hillarity and enjoy him in stereophonic sound.

Yves Mignon, former Damon fan.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The real truth about Damon

Now where do I start? What can be said about the lies that are being perpetrated by the blogger who claims to be the voice of the Gay Community? In the span of one week he has claimed that Brent Corrigan was the anti Christ and to day he is empathizing with him because of their similar situations. He has also said that he was to be a witness for the prosecution and also a witness for the defense in the Bryan Kocis murder case. He also claims that Bryan was a good friend of his yet we all know that to be a lie. He claimed that Bryan had him in his will and that he was to get control of Cobra Video. That too is another lie told by Damon and it is all in print and written by him. Yet he claims we are making up lies about him. The man for lack of a better word is delusional. Damon has no intention of ever telling the truth he touts his contacts and upcoming big deals yet I have never seen any proof of them. He calls anyone who does not agree with or allow his lies to go unchallenged a hater. the above picture is a prerfect example he is claiming it is himself yet it belongs ot the husband of Andrew Sullivan. here is a link to where he stole the picture. here is a link to the blog of ANDREW SULLIVAN.
So what are we to believe Damon and his many characters that he created to tout his accomplishments or the truth. I will believe the truth. Damon never addresses the real issues that he is accused of he just hides behind his lies and hopes no one digs deep enough to get to the truth. Damon's mission is to make his sad life seem like it really matters. He has more issues than the ones he tries to project on others. He claims that he lives in New York City yet we know for a fact that is a lie. He posts pictures on his blog claiming that they are he. The fact is they change weekly. He claims that he has a boyfriend named Marc. Yet that is another on of his online personas. He claims that his "friends Identities" are being stolen by other bloggers yet these so called friends only exist in his feverish mind. Yes Damon, I Yves Mignon do not exist. I am just a figment of your sick mind and I have come to life to destroy you. Your lies have caused the Internet to fight back with the truth about you. So you say to the truth squad to come out and show ourselves, well I will say the same to you.
You claim that we are interfering with your business and we are telling lies about you yet you have made it a vocation to do the same to others. Now you see how it feels, and I might add it does not feel to good does it. I know it is hard to comprehend what is being said due to the fact that you have advanced syphilis. I know it is to late for you to get treatment but you should really think about the nasty things that you are saying about those that you are posting about. The fact that at this time your brain is looking a bit like Swiss cheese not withstanding. I know it must have been hard for you when you got the truth about you diagnosis. The fact that you said it was an aneurysm did not cover the truth up. I got the truth from the free clinic when I went there with you and now we know what the real deal is. Under normal circumstances I would have some compassion for a person in your situation but you have taken that with your lies and attacks on people who you have nothing to do with. I am sorry Damon that it has come to this.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Damon Uncensored or Damage control for liars

Damon has lost his mind for sure. Check out Joe Kerekes's blog and see what the latest post says. Just got this little gem in my email. Another lame attempt at damage control from The Minister of Truth no less. Good lord how many different names does Damon use? How funny he claims to be a truth teller. Just wanted to say thanks to admin or whoever is running that blog for this, it is priceless.

Minister of Truth IP:
I doubt if that is what Mr. Kruezer actually wrote, if he wrote at all. The man is an excellent speller and always writes with perfect grammar. Yet there are sections here that were obviously edited or added to that are not his style at all. I also don’t believe he misrepresented himself at all, you knew who he was when you and Harlow spoke with him as you admitted before, and it’s no accident copies of your letters in your handwriting are being circulated. Do you intend to deny letters that can be compared with others you wrote are in fact yours?
Also Damon has made it known to several Attorneys just where the escrow account is and how much is in it. Nothing is missing, he is keeping it to save your and Harlow’s tight little asses altho i doubt U deserve it.
Interesting how you and your mouthpiece first denied Damon had ever had any 5,000 dollars for your defense, now you admit he did have it and I believe still does. Get your story str8 or as Harlow is telling various people, “I will not cry when he’s gone”. What does that mean?
So spout your nonsense Joe if this is really Joe writing this at all. Fact remains you spoke with Damon the day before the arrests, and you sent him letters including the demand for $3000 for full access.
Truth is Joe, Damon has gotten a whole new career aspect out of this and he’s been well compensated, so your attempts to lie and distort are too little, too late to make any difference.
I am the Minister of Truth and I dare you to post this unedited and unchanged.

So Damon is claiming that he is dealing with attorneys? Yet he is blackmailing Joe and Harlow and that in turn could get any attorney disbarred. How interesting that Damon is doing all of this for personal gain and he out right says it right here. So who is the real liar and fraud here? Damon has accused so many of lies and slander and now the light of truth is being shown on him.
What say you Damon, liar, fraud and all around thief. What say you to the charges you admitted to on Joe's blog? What say you as you deny that it was you who wrote that post? You have been cornered and accused of your crimes what say you in your defense? There is nothing to say but fake another serious illness or maybe just die this time.
You are a major fraud and a even bigger liar and all of this is coming after you. Yes you have commited a federal offense and it will get you in big trouble. Your mission is to figure out what crime you have commited.
why don't you get your detective at BI polar investigations to help you with this one. He sure did a good job finding Elmysterio.

HEY DAMON YOU FAT FUCK THIS IS YVES, YEAH YOU KNOW ME. I KNOW ALL OF YOUR DIRTY LITTLE SECRETS AND THEY WILL BE REVEALED. Oh yeah stay out of your mother malt liquer you aint so pretty when your drunk.

The Minister of Bullshit is more like it. The Truth Squad rules.