The many faces of Damon

and Marc.

Damon is talking his same old shit again and now he has new pictures on his blog that he claims are he and Marc. What is it with this guy does her actually believe that anybody believes his crap. He is posting that picture of Harlow with the upside down cross again but if you look at a higher resolution picture you will clearly see that the cross is not upside down and it is another one of Damon’s lies.

Damon seems to think that everyone is out to get him, well the facts are that the only one causing Damon trouble is himself. If he would just stop his lies and falsehoods and just report on what he knows he would be a lot better off. It seems that now since no one is attacking him he thinks he has his ability to go one perpetrating his lies.
Well I have been away from this blog for a while and I feel that I need to bring some light to some of his lies. The interview with Joe and Harlow is a fraud. The names that he is using in that farce are made up and the people do not exist. Bryan Kocis did not want anything to do with Damon and the Micro drive he is claiming has the 2257 records on it does not exist because if it did he would be withholding evidence in a capitol crime and that is against the law.
Damon is so intent on trying to make himself seem more important than he really is that it is just plain funny to read his stupid blog. He has no knowledge about the porn industry other than what he reads and steals from other sites and his claims about screeners is just a big joke if you ask me. And now his latest claims about knowing Heath Ledger and Brad Renfro are just plain stupid as well.
No one in their right mind would tell Damon anything unless they wanted to destroy their own career. Damon has one goal and one goal only and that is to publicize Damon in any way that he can and if it means lying about someone he will do just that.
Has anyone ever noticed that Damon only knows you when you are dead? You know why that is don’t you? No one alive will have anything to do with his foul smelling asshole. Damon is a pig and a liar and a fraud and a plagiarist and this has been proven on more than one occasion yet he still goes about spreading his lies and bullshit. The truth about Damon is that he is a sociopath and he believes his own hype which to me is the saddest thing of them all.
From high on truth mountain this is Yves Mignon.
Yves glad you are back!!! This post title says it all.
ReplyDeleteI was just over on the page of lies that Damon calls a blog and a news site and I read the biggest lie I have heard in weeks. It seems that the same $5000.00 that Damon donated to Harlow's defense fund (tyhat was never recieved)and used to help them get their house back is now the same money used to help Harlow retain his new atorney.
ReplyDeleteWhat is this obsession Damon has with that Dolar amount? And now he is going to Pennsylvania to help with the case. Just more bullshit from that proven liar.
Michael Gross did not talk to Damon because he told me so. He said that Damon had no bearing on this case and he was of no use to him. Yet Damon lies and says that he spoke to him.
Just like he lied and said that I emailed him and that he has posted my pictures and I was broken hearted about some porn star who I never heard of.
Damon is truly the saddest excuse for a human that ever existed. he lies are paramount and he thinks we believe them. I guess when that fat guy croaks and he will one day I want his tomb stone to say "Damon Kruezer the worlds biggest liar 1947 20??".
Nice to have you back Yeves... It is rather amazing that he is now claiming that he was the reason Harlow was able to secure council. I can't imagine how Harlow's family feels now that Kent is back lying. It is a despicable lie from a despicable man. I love the pic of the person Damon claimed was him. That was when he said he was down to 8% body fat. Just how long does Kent think Harlow's lawyer be involved in this fraud with Kent? So nice to have you back Yeves...
ReplyDeleteDid I hear someone say Same Old Bullshit Different Day? That says it all.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it amazing how much use one person can get out of the very sam 5,000$ in one year. He is MAGIC that Kent Barclay.
On a happy not I am glad you are back- we missed you!!
oops that was supposed to say "on a happy note I am glad you are back! :)
ReplyDeleteAbout the cross he ran the picture last week claiming it was some insight into Harlow's deteriorating mental state in jail. Now how a picture taken before he went to jail is any indicator as to how Harlow is doing now is not explained. Just pure made up crap trying to act like he knows something he doesn't.
ReplyDeletecheck out the picture you will clearly see that the cross is not upside down.
ReplyDeleteSo now Damon/Kent is claiming that he is going to Pennsylvania to help with Harlow's pretrail motions.
ReplyDeleteIt really is kind of funny that Harlow and his attorney won't be there to great Damon/Kent.
Seems to me that Damon/Kent is truly so full of himself that he can't see that we all know that he is a liar.
Damon/Kent has nothing to add to this case. Who is going to believe him and his lies.
Yves you are correct when you say that Harlow and His attorney will not be there to great Damon. they seem to have a contiuace on this hearing and will not be there so I guess Damon is wasting that bus trip.
ReplyDeleteIf all goes according to the regular plan Kent will claim it is because of him.... Perhaps while you are in PA Kent you will make a visit to DA Melnick?
ReplyDeleteWhere is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
ReplyDeleteWhere is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
January 28, 2008 11:45 PM
Welcome Back Yves! Now is the time to squash this bug - Forever!
ReplyDeleteauthor of,
ReplyDelete3 DAYS
It looks like we have the fat toothlerss liar on the run again trying to defend his lies.
ReplyDeleteI find it really fummy that it took him a week to get to Pennsylvania from Tribeca when in fact it is only a two hour drive.
I guess Damon needs to get a faster Donkey Cart if he is going to do any good with this case.
Also he needs to get better intel if he is going to be so crucial with regards to this case.
I guess someone forgot to inform him that the hearing was postponed.
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
ReplyDeleteWhere is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Where is Zenoble? Where is Zenoble?
Well here is the latest lie that Damon is telling. QUESTION OF THE DAY: While in Luzerne County, PA should we visit
ReplyDeletecertain correctional facilities and/or make an appointment with a certain
defense attorney...or could it be we've already done one of these 2
As for those of you asking about OUT magazine reporter Michael Gross
and his 44 minute very probing, and well recorded, conversation with
DAMON about the Kocis-Cuadra case back in June, we're following up with him
and the editorial board of OUT magazine to ensure the truth is known.
I guess I should call michael Gross and tell him about this latest lie from Damon.
I can't wait for Harlow's attorney to get a hold of his latest lies. No attorney who has a client who is at risk for the death penalty would ever talk that jerk.
I wonder if Damon knows that Harlow and Joe have told their respective correctional faclities that Damon is not allowed to visit them.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like damon has been denounced as a fraud and a liar on NG's blog. Here is a link to his blog. http://nlsngrc.blogspot.com/2008/01/for-record.html
ReplyDeleteCheck out his blog he is telling it like it is.
That is hilarious. He puts that up and the first comment is from Kent posing as Jon. Hilarious. I suppose that when a jackass flies you can't complain that it didn't stay up for very long... How does one stay objective about truth and lies. It is black and white. There are many things that do not have two sides. Because there is a flat earth society does not make the earth flat. Kent Barclay is a liar, if you cannot grasp that you are a jackass.