Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The sad truth about Damon Kruezer.

Psychological ANALYSIS: Duping Delight and Imagination Inflation
What the experts say about people like Kent Barklay:
The Drive for Attention
According to Saul Kassin, Ph.D, a distinguished professor of psychology at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York, "Some false confessors have a pathological need for attention. The pathology is such that that need predominates. And everything else fades into the background." (Even the risk of causing trouble for yourself or for your family and loved ones.)
Erick Hicey, PhD, professor of criminal psychology at California State University, Fresno says, "They are driven by the limelight, and sometimes, financial gain. They want the notoriety, the attention, but they also plan on making money. Other confessors are angry and want to be heard. They want a voice. They don't feel like they have a voice. When people repeatedly imagine an event, over and over, they become less certain about whether it is real or not. The memory research on this is clear -- it's called 'imagination inflation.’"

Thin Line Between Fantasy and Reality A blurring of fantasy and reality can also play a role in making false claims of friendship.
The Thrill of the Lie
Then there are people who just get a thrill out of lying, says Cynthia Cohen, Ph.D, a research psychologist and jury consultant based in Manhattan Beach, Calif. Law firms and corporations hire Cohen for her expertise on deception. "This is what lying expert Paul Ekman [a renowned expert in the field] calls 'duping delight',’" Cohen says. "In putting something over on someone, they get a thrill. "It's almost like someone who likes to do bungee jumping. Someone who has duping delight gets excitement from telling a lie and having someone believe it," she says. "Maybe they got rewarded for their tall tales in childhood," says Cohen.
Why does he do what he does?
Damon is the sad alter ego for a fat lonely wannabe porn journalist by the name of Kent Barklay. He has no real friends and he just picks on people because he feels like he is a big man when he berates them. The fact is that Damon or Kent has no connections in the porn industry and all who read his diatribes find him disgusting and deceitful. He tries to get you to talk to him and when you won’t he starts to print vicious lies about you. A perfect example is what he tried to do to Elmysterio and Julien. When they would not put a link to his blog on theirs they became his enemy. He was pissed that they were getting more attention than he was and that they had more readers than he did. There is also Matthew Rush who has been a victim of his for several years as well as Brent Corrigan. All victims of his lies and slander and for what purpose? There are far to many to mention here. If you have a Damon story you are more than welcome to post it here.
Damon has no advertisers on his blog and he has no one linked to his blog. He just sits on his fat ass and posts lie after lie. There is no truth there none what so ever and there never will be. He claims he has connections in the industry but no one will talk to him more than once. He calls himself a journalist but the only article that he was ever credited with writing had to be rewritten because it was all about him and the subject of the article was barley mentioned. Some journalist huh, oh yeah he did not even get paid for it. The eviction is real and the lies he told the court are real as well but he denies them with a passion. The only problem is that it is well documented. If you want copies email Elmysterio and he will send them to you. He is nothing more than a delusional liar who lives in a fantasy world created in his own sick mind with people who read his blog and send him fan mail. Many sites have closed down their forums because of him and his blatant lies. But I am here to put a stop to him and his disgusting diatribes. He can cuss at me and call me a fake but the fact is he is the real fake.
There have been many that have been victims of his lies and there will likely be more but if I have my way he will be stopped. We all need to come together and let him know that he has no power in the blogasphere and we can stop him. I am the real Yves Mignon and Damon can’t stand it


  1. You are no more the original person whose name youve hijacked than Elm is a legitimate blogger. You're both just haters basing your blogs on Damon to get your 15 minutes worth.

    Its backfiring becuz y'll are helping Damon in a big way. Take a look at our site and youll see what i mean. Right now we are in the Big D in Geo. Bush country. Damon continues to be amused and gratified at all the attention and new associations you all are bringing him.

    Damon is right about his former associate Nathan, why dont you haters give him sum credit for trying to do the right thing and calling Nathan out like this?

    One good thing, Nathan has paid back the money he owes Damon, now they are totally separated.

    All righty then, off I go. Damon is waiting for me. Oh yeah i know you wanna know so ill tell ya, im Damon's special friend pictured at the top right of his website. I designed his new banner isnt it cool?

    Ta ta!

    P.S. Damon LOVES Jason Ridge, who is doing such great publicity work 4 him.

  2. Oh yes marc, the banner is cool. And you designed it here

  3. Marc, you are not in dallas your IP shows different. so why the big lie? why did you steal the Star and Rainbow flag from Brent corrigan anmd you Banner from Dewayne in SD? you have no creativity or credibilty. You lie because your Truth is so sad. No one is flocking to your dad site and no one belives your shit anymore, I have seen to that. pity you still claim to be someone else other than the sad fat one.

  4. Kent you Turd. You need to stop this reverse psychology crapola. My partnership with the REAL Yeves will never stop. Do you really think anything you say will influence what we do? You delude yourself. Perhaps you should send Det. Lucheeze after us? You really think people are stupid. How is it that you post a picture of yourself that is different then the one you gave to channel 13 and then a picture of your alter ego that everyone knows is you? Would you like to tell everyone how many different pictures of yourself you have used through the years? Remember when you and I thought up the guess which picture is Damon contest? We stole 5 pictures and let people vote? You actually had 2 people vote. Remember the winner? We laughed so hard when the two schmucks that read your page believed that the guy was you. Funny that pic was different than todays which is different from the one you gave Channel 13. Remember how many times you were caught by people whose pictures you were using, and how pissed they were? oh the good old days. Now the lie ab out going to NY. Are we going to see pics of you and those two guys? How about a video of the three of you with you saying "Detective Lucheese" and "Step back from the Brink Dexx where you so unwisely placed yourself". So we can all recognize your voice? YOU FUCKER!!! LYING TURD,LYING TURD, LYING TURD

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Damon seems to be posting information about Harlow that is in Fact not true. Harlow is not on medication as Damon says. He has no proof to back that statement up. He took that from a comment from Sassy on my blog. We planted that info to see how long Damon would take to pick it up. It was not that long for him to spread that lie now was it? There have been no Meds approved for Harlow at Lakawanna Prison
