Sunday, July 29, 2007

thr real damon kreuzer, ROTFLMAO

yves mignon said... This is me, the "real" Yves Mignon, although I do not object to the comments of the poster above. We have to cope with all the liars and subtle machinations and we know that we should just live our lives. I have so many axes to grind, so many bitches to burn at the stake, but I prefer to live a civilized life. That means I only kill people who directly threaten me. Damon Kruezer has understood that concept for a long time. Do the rest of you bitches have any inkling about what it means to be truthful or loyal or dignified. I didn't think so. Just say you're in line with Marc, Troy halston, Tony roma, Damon kruezer and all the other pathetic motherfuckers on this ite who really deep inside want to molest young boys. Fuck you, you stinking assholes. Here's the worst part bb/robert/aaron/concernedcitizen I don't care about you rude assholes. All I know is that we have legal shotguns to defend our household in the unlikely event we should be attacked. In the event we shall have it but I can't imagine any rogue outfit attacking us. We would charm, wine and dine them before thinking about anything else. That's right. You know how persuasive we can be and we're a lot smarter than the nasty filthy dirty-ass bitches who frequent this site and other blogger sites focused on this murder.Go fuck yourselves, BB. Damon, Robert, Troy Halston. Marc. Tony Roma. These are the filthiest assholes in the world. They live to post their crazy diatribes (watch them do it here) and they relish having the dirtiest assholes on Earth. Can you imagine how nasty and blocked-up these assholes are? Well, I have attempted to be on the side of the truth for all these years and I have been and will continue to be, even though someone quite unexpectedly has taken me over.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The real Yves Mignon has NOTHING to do with the cowardly and slanderous El Mysterio. Elm wasn't winning the psychological warfare as Elm so now he's done what he accuses Damon of doing, i.e. taking on a new this case wrongfully taking over a pre-existing identity. It's SO obvious.

  3. Damon or mark you just can't get it through your fat head I'm done with you and you can claim all you want about the real Yves but I am he and you know it and you can not prove otherwise. Troy told me you would do this in an attempt at credibility but you are a big fat liar and we all know it. Just look at your "technicolor trash page" (I love that by the way) everytime you post your lies I contridict them and then you change your page. Why is it that you chasing your tail like a dog. You can try and cover your lies but the real truth squad will be there to bust you in the mouth for lying.
