Monday, July 30, 2007

More bullshit from the freak of nuture

TODAY: Details of Blacks Beach footage and what the Kocis files reveal
For any who doubt such correspondence exists, including Joe Kerekes' offer to give me TOTAL ACCESS upon payment "donation" of $3,000,

Hey Damon I thought it was $5000.00 dollars. Why can't you keep your lies straight. Don't you read your own blog of lies? The blacks beach tapes are just another one of your lies. You were never sent those tapes. You know it and I know it and the whole world knows it. Just read Elmysterio's blog he has spoken to Joe and Harlow and they have denied all of your accusations. they said that you lied to them and yet you claim that they trusted you. That is a big joke in it self no one trusts you.

I will be happy to scan and post what Kerekes said and signed in his own hand, with postmarked envelope. Damon Kruezer stands for truth and justice, not someone else's edited version to suit their plea bargain position or support of my rivals.

  1. Damon you have no Proof or evidence that can be corroborated.

Is this the blogger calling himself "El Mysterio" (or as we call him, "El Mysteriass")? A loyal Kruezer fan has kindly provided this to us allegedly after engaging in some heavy webcam chatter in which the jealous and scheming miscreant supposedly bragged about who he was. We need confirmation before going further. Please help to confirm or deny. Thank you, constant readers!

Number one Damon you have no loyal fans and your San Francisco connections do not exist. The picture that you are asking about is not Elmysterio. He does not look at all like this gentleman. I hope the Gentleman pictured comes after you with an attorney to sue you as well. Maybe this a picture of the model "Supreme" who you claim that Elmysterio was so upset about. I guess you think all black people look alike what a joke you are. You don't have a clue who Elmysterio is and you never will. But you do know who I am and it pisses you off that you can not deny that I exist. I am here to bust your fat ass and it scares you.

NOTE TO ALL: The real Yves Mignon and Troy Halston - two independent minded, intelligent men - have NOTHING to do with the cowardly and slanderous El Mysterio and his disgusting cheerleaders so eager to promote any wild allegation as fact. Elm wasn't winning the psychological warfare as Elm so now he's done what he accuses Damon of doing, i.e. taking on a new this case wrongfully taking over TWO pre-existing identities. The juvenile style, grammatical errors and fractured, repetitious syntax make it SO obvious what Elm has done.

Damon you seem to think that you have control over me and Troy but you could not be further from being correct. We will be here to debunk all of your lies and shine the light of truth on you. You are just a desperate old fat toothless hack who is spreading his lies and innuendo in an attempt to gain credibility. Run from the light of truth you fat roach but we are raid and you can not hide from us. as for as our writing style goes you are the biggest joke out there you are a sophomoric asshole who thinks he is intelligent.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

the truth and nothing but the truth

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thr real damon kreuzer, ROTFLMAO

yves mignon said... This is me, the "real" Yves Mignon, although I do not object to the comments of the poster above. We have to cope with all the liars and subtle machinations and we know that we should just live our lives. I have so many axes to grind, so many bitches to burn at the stake, but I prefer to live a civilized life. That means I only kill people who directly threaten me. Damon Kruezer has understood that concept for a long time. Do the rest of you bitches have any inkling about what it means to be truthful or loyal or dignified. I didn't think so. Just say you're in line with Marc, Troy halston, Tony roma, Damon kruezer and all the other pathetic motherfuckers on this ite who really deep inside want to molest young boys. Fuck you, you stinking assholes. Here's the worst part bb/robert/aaron/concernedcitizen I don't care about you rude assholes. All I know is that we have legal shotguns to defend our household in the unlikely event we should be attacked. In the event we shall have it but I can't imagine any rogue outfit attacking us. We would charm, wine and dine them before thinking about anything else. That's right. You know how persuasive we can be and we're a lot smarter than the nasty filthy dirty-ass bitches who frequent this site and other blogger sites focused on this murder.Go fuck yourselves, BB. Damon, Robert, Troy Halston. Marc. Tony Roma. These are the filthiest assholes in the world. They live to post their crazy diatribes (watch them do it here) and they relish having the dirtiest assholes on Earth. Can you imagine how nasty and blocked-up these assholes are? Well, I have attempted to be on the side of the truth for all these years and I have been and will continue to be, even though someone quite unexpectedly has taken me over.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Just the Facts Damon, thats all.

TOMORROW: Bryan Kocis speaks in emails from the past...and so do 2 of his former reports are received about BRENT CORRIGAN allegedly being a "companion" to a certain model's "older friends" to pay the bills in San Diego. I truly feel sorry for Brent...who has abandoned the very sweet and helpful LEE BERGERON to start yet another new website and look for yet another new business partner.

This is a case of more lies told by the ever deceitful Damon Kruezer. He never met Bryan Kocis and Bryan only used Damon to do his dirty work in regards to defaming Sean Lockhart. Bryan thought that Damon was the biggest joke. As for accusing Sean of being a whore for money whats wrong with that. Your a whore for fame and no one really even gives a shit about you. Why don't you go and blog about Sean until your Mother gets evicted again.

It seems Brent can't get any kind of professional relationship to work with anyone.
What a shame, because Sean is very bright, quite charismatic in my talks with him, and genuinely talented as a writer, web designer and power bottom/top.

Damon you spoke to Sean on one occasion and then you started telling lies about him. When he would not take your calls anymore you started your attacks against him. The fact is the night that you and your mother got evicted you were on a tirade about Brent Corrigan. As for no one wanting to work with Sean the same could be said for you Damon, no one in their right mind would ever have anything to do with your worthless ass. Go and cry to your mommy we don't want to hear anymore of your bullshit. Here is the other issue with that situation Lee Bergeron is no better than you when it come to the truth. He is a lying backstabbing son of a bitch just like you. So you go ahead and praise him like he has done no wrong but we all know better than that.
Meanwhile, a blog poster at succinctly sums up what was discussed today between 2 attorneys. It's the reason will now be frozen in time, with no new posts, due to its misuse.

Damon the only reason that they stopped making posts on that blog was because of you and your many aliases making nasty comments. You tried to make them give you information for your worthless blog by promising them a donation that did not even exist.

In the same spirit, and per agreement, I now remove my comments concerning Renee and Rep. Schrock.

Damon that is a bold faced lie you removed those comments for an entirely different reason and you know it. I know the truth and so do several other people.

I care deeply about Harlow Cuadra and his fate, and I have 5,000 reasons for he and I to work together

Damon that is another lie you don't care for Harlow or Joe you only cared for them because you thought you could get something from them. the $5000.00 reasons is a bold faced lie as well you never had any money for there legal fund and to tried to extort information from them with that lie. you called Harlow's sister and Renee a liar when they asked you to send the tracking slip for the money and know you claim that you never said you sent it. and it is in a escrow account in New York. Can we all scream bullshit! Damon you are not worth the energy it takes to write this shit about you but I will not rest until you have been found and dealt with.

The law will give us all a respite from your lies soon enough.

first post

first post
Damon Kruezer is a lying idiot. he has been posted as me for months and I am quite tired of it. I have never liked him and I find him repulsive at best. He is not or never was a friend or confidant of mine and I just wanted to make that clear. I also wanted to apologize to elmysterio and all of the other people he has offended with his lies. Please do not hold anything he has said against me as I do not have anythiong to do with him. I would also agree that him and his mother are fat pigs and deserve each other. As far as all of the other matters go I say destroy him and make him feel as horrible as all of the people that he infected with his lies.