Sunday, April 26, 2009

Damon Kruezer has been screwed

It seems that all of the hype about new digs for Kruezer at night were in fact a big and funny joke played on the gay porn industries wicked little red headed step child. In a web chat tonight Damon has proven that he is not capable of telling the truth and he lied repeatedly. So sad is this end for one of the Internets guilty pleasure. Well in all truth the only one really guilty is Damon Kruezer for constantly lying. Here is a fun link that you should check out.

Check back for further updates. This is post in progress.
Update:Here is Damon's comment from his twitter feed in regards to what happened to him tonight. Needles to say I think that many people were blind sided by this turn of events Mainly Damon:

Latest online research project ended with great results tonight. The player who thought he was playing me ended up giving me so much intel.

from web

As typical of Damon he seems to be in denial on the subject that he was punked. Do I feel sorry for him? No not really he actually brought this on himself. All those years of lying only made the people who were in the Internet chat with him angry. He was already on a slippery slope and then he bold faced lied on every single question asked of him. Apparently he thinks he is the only one who knows how to use the Internet.

His claim that he was the last person to interview Joe and Harlow before their arrest is a lie. And when I asked him about it in the chat he lied as if I would not know the truth. As quiet as I have kept it I spoke to Joe on the morning that they were arrested. I asked about the interview and Joe told me that he spoke to Damon Kruezer. But typical Joe he did not listen to me when I said to not talk to him. Joe emailed me about the interview and he did not even know who Damon was. Harlow never spoke to Damon because Joe did all of the talking. Damon got the typical Joe spiel and he ate it up and then tried to parlay it into some new found celebrity. this is typical Damon always trying to get somewhere and not using the right transportation. Liars never get anywhere except kicked to the curb. Which is exactly what happened to Damon tonight.

update: Just waiting for conformation as to the reasons behind this driveby punking.This is the latest bit of jibberish from Rezeurk Nomad. As usual he tries to spin it like he was the winner. :Unsuccessful business affiliation now ended. Fee promised never received, and massive misrepresentation occurred. Website back up shortly. from web

And yet another lie form the punked one trying his best to save face when he was publicly humiliated for his lies and he thinks he is fooling someone with his false bravado, yeah right :Wonderful Sunday brunch in a 4 star hotel courtesy of my client who hired me to do an expose article about a no longer gorgeous new site. from web

The thought of this is rather disturbing to say the least. Why destroy the eyesight of anyone who might come upon this sight? I just hope he is not wearing those black knee socks with this outfit!:This is from his twitter page: Back in Amherst to recruit college guys 4 my client. Router moved. Walking around in my tank top, flip flops and TIGHT cutoffs. Good times! from web

Update: And now the lies and the backlash begin. In another lame attempt to make it seem like he is viable he has left this missive on his myspace page. It is truly sad to see how the once "mighty: have fallen.( that was hard to say but funny as hell ) At the risk of sounding happy about this turn of events I give you Rezeurk Nomad.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Not so Gorgeous Doublecross Backfires on the Perps

Current mood: bouncy

Category: News and Politics
MySpace Friends, Clients and Kruezer fans:

Recently I was asked to affiliate my site with another site, a new site ambitious and full of promises - but running critically short of revenue generating click-through traffic.

Unknown to them, I was asked by a national publication to go ahead with this affiliation, despite the ambiguous nature of their motives, in order to determine how far those jealous of Kruezer at Night's success would go to undermine and even sabotage it. The Advocate interviewing me for their current May issue was the motivating factor. I'm now a big enough target to attract national interest, and so a deal was struck for me to go undercover and play clueless. Even the promised money was not forthcoming from the site owner, another clue.

So I played along, apparently being deceived by the owner of the site, who was in an anti-competitive conspiracy all along with certain haters determined to ruin the Kruezer success story by any means available. The fact that the corrupt owner of the site involved - and his henchmen - tried to use the very same methods of deception, lies and misrepresentation of which they've accused me, seems not to have occurred to them.

It all played out last night in a live chat hosted by the site in question - a chat which turned out to be nothing more than a gangbang. I held my own under relentless attack and shared only what's already public knowledge.
During the time of my affiliation with the site, I was able to glean much information of value, which will be the subject of an upcoming investigative report in the national publication which hired me to do the research.

My site is now in the process of being restored back to the way it was in terms of content, with a bold new design added now that my client is overjoyed with my upcoming expose of the site in question and what they tried to do.
Yes, the players who thought they were playing me were themselves played in a plan within plans.

Result: More valuable publicity for Kruezer at Night, and a total loss of whatever credibility the scheming site owner and his site may have had. Who could EVER trust them and their representations now? They stand for NOTHING except getting traffic by any means possible. A true moral and ethical abyss.
Even anti-DK people are telling me they may have agreed with the goal, but can't agree with the means, which are totally based on fraudulent misrepresentation and hypocritical in the extreme.

My point: The gay video industry and SOME of its associated websites and blogs are full of chicanery, double and triple crosses, and outright anti-competitive practices, as we have just seen. I have no doubt Lady Karma will soon be extremely harsh with these liars and deceivers, just as she has been so harsh with others who tried and failed to dim the beacon of truth, justice and the American way of entertaining and informative reporting and website reportage.
Now you know. Talk amongst yourselves, and feel free to ask any questions I can answer before the anticipated publication of my investigative article.The doublecross has backfired. But given the complexity of the scheme hatched against me, I'm weirdly complimented. When they go THAT far to make you look bad, you KNOW you're actually looking good!I advise everyone to simply bypass the not so gorgeous site in question, as their traffic will drop precipitously without my dynamic presence - which more or less proves another point, doesn't it?

1:17 PM
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Yves here: I wonder if Rezeurk Nomad is aware that there is a certain under currant of fear in the Gay Porn Industry as rumors fly about a breach in the security of any corrospondence with Rezeurk Nomad over the past ten years. If Rezeurk Nomad is any kind of smart he will go away as there is no reason to use him as a tool anymore. It is no longer safe to use him for back handed nasty tricks as I hear private corospondence with him has been jepordized.

Update: another lie posted on twitter by The Kruezer:Filming an audition with college sophomore tomorrow,looks just like a young James Van Der Beek, i.e. HOTT. "I'll do anything to be a star" from web

Update: Here is a link to what I captured of the transcripts of last nite webchat with the unmentioned one. Link enjoy the char people I sure did.

Update: Also of note it seems that there was a breach in the email security for Rezeurk Nomad's email. It seems that when he transferred the website all of the email went with it. Now I really don't know how much damage can be done to those who corrosponded with Rezeurk Nomad but I would think it could be damaging to those who did. Stay tuned for further up dates.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Rezeuek Nomad website down?

So it looks like the evil domain Krueser at night seems to be no more. It seems the website is down and it shows no sign of reappearance. Maybe Kentie did not get his government cheese and he is behind on his payments to Go daddy. Or maybe he let the site go because he is going to run ASG for the secret investors. Damon was the main reason why the site failed because of all of his negative publicity about it. And now he is spouting of about that script he says he wrote "The fast and the curious". Maybe he will produce that at ASG?
Also there is the connection to the NG blog and underage allegations. Who knows maybe he fled the scene because of impending charges? Story developing stay tuned for updates.

Update: Found Damon's twitter page and he says that there are some email issues and that he is just changing servors. Maybe GoDaddy finally got fed up with his shit. Serves the bastard right for being such a jerk. This does have me worried though.

Update: Rezeurk Nomad site still down on the west coast. This just in, Seems that there is in fact some connection to the madness. Waiting for the press release.

Update: Great Atlantic Media is a IT service provider and they do allot of backend work on various web sites. Brentcorriganinc. and the Gorgeous Boys Network (Just on hot minute) just happen to be two of many sites they work with. As well as a few others that I know off. As far as I know they are just the hosting company for these sites. Kind of like GoDaddy is.

Update: Well the news is that Rezeurk Nomad is supposed to make amends to all of those he has wronged over the years. If that is the case I really do not foresee any new updates to that Technicolor abortion he calls a website anytime soon. He will be to busy apologizing to everyone.
Do I think this was a wise move by GAM? That would be a big fat no! Rezeurk Nomad is Bat Shit Crazy and he does not have the ability to make a good decision with regards to ethics. The fact that DK has drawn allot of Internet traffic to the Gorgeous boys network not with standing, to associate with the source of that traffic is a huge mistake and they will pay for this in the long run. All of the attention paid to Rezeurk Nomad on your website was negative. So if you think that having him on your site will draw more views you are sadly mistaken on that issue. Rezeurk nomad is universally hated by all in the gay porn industry. Even the ones who drop the bastard tips on the people that they are mad at hate Rezeurk Nomad. I see a bad future with this move. The repercussions of this action will be swift and painful.

Update: So Bat Shit Crazy is now singing the praises of Just on hot minute when a few months ago he had this to say about the site: Emo Twink Kyros Christian derails Kameron Scott’s Ego Train

Current mood: bulliedCategory: News and Politics

Congratulations to Emo Twink KYROS CHRISTIAN for being the voice of sanity and logic on the forums of that new social networking site, which have recently devolved into a vicious and biased venue where only one viewpoint is allowed, and any false claim is accepted as a fact, contrary to its stated terms of service. You all can see why I chose to no longer participate, given the bias and “party line” thinking. No wonder their web ratings are plummeting with only Kam Scott and MJ Taylor doing their numbingly boring “bought and paid for” schtick devoid of originality. I hear it’s not even MJ writing that column, by the way. I believe it - if you saw all the emails MJ wrote me in the past year and compared them with his so-called “column”, you’d swear it’s 2 different people writing. In my opinion, MJ like Kam Scott is being PAID to do what he’s doing in terms of personal attacks and trash talking, and that is very sad. A real sell-out!So you can imagine I have taken note of what KYROS CHRISTIAN posted about Kameron Scott’s ridiculous claims. He’s right - NO ONE makes thousands of dollars every 2 weeks from a new Webcam website, whether he’s working with Ricky Sinz as he’s claimed, or not. Kyros DEFLATED Kam’s boasts of multimillion dollar success he didn’t finance - and it’s about time someone did.Ricky Sinz in my opinion is a role model and a great performer/businessman who has ethics, empathy for others, humility and a sense of fair play that is so notably absent from the vainglorious boastings of Kameron Scott.It seems to me and many others that Kam Scott is now a troubled and conflicted former model now totally dependent on the continuing generosity of his new husband, or so I hear. A dangerous dependency by any standard.I am confident KYROS will continue to show courage and speak the truth on those forums…and NOT indulge in any “party line” thinking or gay-on-gay discrimination for which Kameron Scott and his apparent paymaster are now becoming so sadly notorious, and so lacking in credibility.Let any who try to poison the well be aware they are only poisoning their own drinking water!As KYROS CHRISTIAN says…”often misunderstood, never imitated”. I totally admire and respect Kyros, as I do RICKY SINZ…both are truly independent and one of a kind people, performers, and entrepreneurs.

And now he actually wants us to take him seriously, Get real! After he runs and deletes this post from his my space page like no one else saw it. Are you really that stupid Kentie? You may as well delete all of your other blogs too. Because they have just as much defamatory evidence against you as well. I also have copies of your old website as well. Even from before you cleaned it up in January to get rid of all of the negative crap that you said about Angel and Brad. Face it Kentie you are done you have no more credibility and getting Great Atlantic Media to try and help you is still a lost cause for you. You will f--k that up just like you have with every other chance you have been given. And you have the nerve to call Kam Scott and MJ Taylor sell outs when you followed them to the same website that you were condemned them for going too. Kentie you are a huge hypocrite and you can not deny that it is right here in your own words.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Bat Shit Crazy or a guilty pleasure?

In my personal opinion “Rezeurk Nomad” is Bat Shit Crazy. What say you, I know you all have opinions on the subject and I know you want to voice them. Why would "The Advocate" call this person and ask for his opinion on a industry that won't even speak his name? What was the reasoning behind it? To boost circulation based on the controversy that it would cause? To get the name of the writer of the article some serious Internet time? The one thing I know for a fact is that it drove a thread on Just one hot minute to over 400 comments and it seems to have pissed off allot of people.

“Rezeurk Nomad” seems to think that it is a good boost to his credibility. I think differently about that. It seems to have made him even more of a Internet buffoon than anything that we the truth squad could ever do. It has placed him in the national spotlight and the truth is that is a good thing. You see the more known he is the more people will google him and the more people will find out the truth about him. you see it is sights like this one and others that are spreading the truth about this Internet hazard.

The more people who look at that Technicolor disaster he calls a web page the better in my opinion. The more they read the crap he posts and the more they see what type of person he really is the better. They to will come to the conclusion that he really is Bat shit Crazy. I really thin that we should all give C. Brian Smith a great big hug for doing what we have been trying to do for years. Bringing the focus of the world on “Rezeurk Nomad”.

Thank you C. Brian Smith for pointing a big spotlight at the stench that has been inhabiting that website for years. Maybe you have helped save some poor model from getting tangled up in the nasty clutches of that Internet predator.

Update: Has anyone noticed besides me that all though “Rezeurk Nomad” now has a interactive "blog" on his website, there does not seem to be much activity on it? Not that I am complaining. I think it plays right into what I have been saying all along that he really has nothing to say of any relevance with the industry that he claims to be the voice of. Seems that all “Rezeurk Nomad” does is complain about who has done him wrong and that they should come back and apologize to him and beg his forgiveness. As sad as it is for him “Rezeurk Nomad” is so done in this venue.

No matter what anyone does to help him he always fucks it up. It is always about him and what he seems to think that he can offer to a "model". “Rezeurk Nomad” is Bat shit crazy and the whole world seems to know this, too bad he does not know this. Maybe he needs to consult with his tean of detectives and his crack head legal team for advice on how to proceed.

I'm just saying, what say you?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Kruezer News:Claims copyright violation the reason for Hand J trial blog going private.

With the recent privatizing of the H and J trial blog Damon has chimed in on the reasons that he thinks PC took his blog down. now I do not know what the reason is and I do not presume to know why. I am sure that PC will inform us of his reasons soon enough. But I just think it is funny that Damon will go off on a tangent as soon as he thinks he finds something that he thinks is news.
This is the latest from the House of Madness

The Harlow and Joe trial blogger known as "PC" has long irritated and offended us by his air of entitlement, obvious hidden agenda, and his attitude of arrogant dismissiveness to anyone who dared to question his methods, sources or findings. PC's obvious self-aggrandizement in what we see as manipulating ratings for his blog and his associated heavy reliance on paid advertising tell part of the story. For the past year he's become fairly well known as a source about the Kocis-Cuadra-Kerekes trial while refusing to acknowledge the well documented fact that it was DAMON and not PC who conducted the very last interview with Harlow and Joe the day before their arrests in May 2007. Adding injury to insult, PC made a point out of what we allege to be harassment of ourselves (and others) in regard to specious claims of copyright infringement, despite PC himself being forced to take down John Roecker's here! TV Cuadra interview transcripts from his HandJTrial blog on copyright infringement grounds. Most recently PC clashed severely with Mark Wilson, owner of the Gorgeous Boys network of connected sites, a fast rising source of news, information and social networking. So severely in fact Wilson severed ties with him, for excellent and well justified reasons. Kudos to Wilson for that.
DAMON noting the contretemps with Wilson, and after looking again at our PC archive full of contemptuous, nonfactual and negative material, decided with MARC's help to enlarge on the Roecker precedent and make certain publications aware of what we believe is PC's flagrant and hypocritical practice of copyright infringement. What's good for the goose is indeed good for the gander, don't you think?
Now our efforts have borne fruit. PC has taken down all of the links to all of the reference material on his blog and has gone private in what we are reliably informed is another, more serious copyright issue.
Interestingly, the L.A. Times - with whom we have been in substantial contact - ran an article about the press cracking down on bloggers for stealing articles from newspapers:,0,2878784.story
Draw your own conclusions in this matter. For MARC and DAMON, we have Chesire cat smiles on our faces, as an arrogant adversary has been taught an important lesson. A lesson based entirely on proveable fact, not hearsay, speculation or outright fabrication as with our own critics. Let the word go forth: If you make a claim or accusation of wrongdoing, be prepared to prove it with evidence that can be independently vetted. If you don't have such evidence, then you may offer your opinion AS OPINION to those who ask it - but you may NOT force it upon those who have NOT asked in an attempt to interfere with others' rights of commerce and association. Are we clear about that? You know who you are. Let the results of the PC dossier speak for themselves. The time of toleration for outright business interference and unwarranted personal defamation is over.

These are the words from, Damon's latest post. Seems he is busy patting himself on the back for another supposed victory. We here at the truth squad are investigating these allegations and we will be sure to keep you posted. So far no word from PC.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Kent Barclay aka Damon kruezer is having a sock puppet party.

It seems that Kentie is a busy little bee snatching up blog names all in an attempt to piss us all off and I guess he is going to use them as a source of leverage to keep that technicolor abortion he calls a website. How funny Kentie that no one gives a shit about your plan. There is nothing that you can do to anyone because you are powerless in this game and you do not have anyone who will back you up either. this is not the Will g that we all know and love. This is Damon claiming to be Dewayne in SD on another one of his fake blogs. It really is to bad that he can not spell Dewayne. this is his attempt to piss me off by taking the name Ebony wood, funny thing is the blog is titled The world according to Ebony wood. So I guess you missed the boat on that one Kentie. this blog has been removed and I wonder who removed it and why did you get a lawyer letter Kentie? this is the blogger profile for his sock puppet Yves mignon, I will admit I stole the name to piss him off and it really worked. Damon has sense gone on several blogs complaining about me “stealing his name” calling me the fake Yves, as if there was a real Yves and we all know that there is not one. This is the profile for Matthew. Matthew has a last name now and it is Philips and he is the owner of 2 blogs as well and the latest blog is now I don’t know about any of you but this could explain why his “Flagship” site is suffering he does not have enough time to work on it anymore since he is so busy telling lies all over the Internet. He just misses the real news and all of the stories of importance in the gay community that he claims to be the so fond of. this is the profile for Damon's ficticious lover Marc. seems that he has had different look on several occasions. some of them you can see here. This is the profile for Damon while he was posing as Jon on my blog in the comments section. Seems that he never started a blog for poor Jon. You all remember him from the trilogy of terror post right? Matthew, Marc and Jon. I guess this hearkens back to Damon's days when he was a fundamental christian. You know the days before he started on his path straight to Hell. This is damon possing as George, you all remember George he was the legal expert for Damon. he was the one who was sending out the lawyer letters. Now George is breaking the law and stealing copyrighted material and posing as under a new name too. Master Battaglia, can you believe this shit? It really is starting to get funny and you all wondered how he got that Cybersocket nomination. It seems that Kentie is he king of spam. Maybe that is why he wants everyone to email him so he can get cash for spamming people. Is there not somewhere you can report spammers for a reward? this is the profile for Damon possing as Matthew and he is also blogging as and I guess Kentie just really wants to piss off the world from his one room government subsidized shantee that he calls home. I bet that view of the dumpster is lovely in the hot humid summer Kentie. This is Damon posing as “Secret” and he is also claiming to be Ed flanders and he runs this blog. I guess he just could not stomach the fact that MJ told him to fuck off. this is actually the blogger profile for Damon and yes it really is him, who would of thought right. Well here is where you can see the links to the blogs that he claims are his. more of the same worn out hate speak by the step child of gay porn. There is no insider news here just more of Damon/Kent bullshit. here he is showing the world just how crazy he truly is.
This is the Kruezer at night official blog like that really is something to be proud of. Not to be confused with this blog which tells the official truth about Kentie. also this one is more entertaining as well. this is the blogger profile for "event" another one of Damon's sock puppets. He has not given this one a blog yet . also this sock puppet is known as “biased activist reader” another lesser know sock puppet of the ever so prolific DK.

There are more but I think you all get the picture. He is trying to get the names of porn stars and bloggers alike as if that will give him some sort of leverage in the industry that hates him. Poor Kentie cant even get his own name now because that one has been taken. Yes rumor has it that Kent Barclay has been snatched up by some evil scoundrel in an attempt to piss Kentie off.

What brought this post on is the fact that someone was using this profile to post as fellow blogger WillG.

It seems that a some blogger with a vindictive streak has been impersonating one of our truth squad members due to the fact that he is very good at uncovering lies. One of the first blogs that this person posted on was one of Damon's sock puppet blogs. I am not blaming Damon just yet but the truth will come out I made thje mistake of blaming a couple of bloggers already. There are several people who are investigating this as we speak. But as some have said this stinks of Damon Kruezer.

This is the real blogger will G’s blogger ID
This is the blogger ID of the fake will G

The following comments were made by the fake one and are not representative of the REAL Will G.

It appears that a blogger who is aligned with Damon Kruezer is responsible for the comments and he is also responsible for a comment made on my blog. It really is a pity that they must stoop to this level to draw attention to Damon. If any of you have ever read his blog you are well aware that he never gets anything right. And this really is stupid trick if he thinks that will draw readers to his website. Hey kentie if you want traffic try writing something worth reading.

Will g said...
I'm starting to believe that Mr. Kruezer might not be the psycho that we have all thought him to be. I'm really reconsidering how I feel about things here.
April 2, 2009 2:32 PM

Will g said...
I for one am going to reach out a hand of friendship to Damon and she where it might lead.It all starts with one.

Will g said...
Sorry that should read see where it might lead NOT she where it might lead.

Will g said...
I'd like to announce that I have contacted Damon through email and I am awaiting his response. I have asked him to join with me for dinner (my treat)and I am hopeful that we can bury the past and all look forward to a better tomorrow together.

will g said...
I am now confused. Who is this other willg person here and what in the world is he carping about?
April 2, 2009 6:47 PM

Who ever was doing this is trying to make it appear that Will wanted to be friends with Damon. Now how funny is that, someone wanting to be friends with Kentie. Ask Mark at Just one hot minute how well that went. Kent Barclay can not have friends because he is just to nasty for anyone to stomach. Just look at what happens when you try to be “friends” with Damon. He has claimed that Bryan Kocis was his friend and then he lies and says that he was in the will and that he was going to run Cobra Video.

When the truth about that lie came out he went and tried to befriend the men who were convicted of his murder so that he could get a book deal. Damon will throw anyone under the bus to save his nasty ass and it has been proven time and time again. Damon is a nasty son of a bitch and the Internet will be a better place once we are rid of him. Lets just hope it happens sooner than latter.

Update: New intell has come to my attention
Could this be true Jim Bentley the father of Aaron Tyler.Well I don't know but it does require some serious investigation. Could this be the secret hold that uno who has over Aaron. stay tuned for future updates.