Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Update: Kruezer at night under internal attack

Dr Jeckyll and Mr hyde
Update: I have just recently received a email from someone deep in the Kruezer organization who is under great pressure from the one. It seems that as the empire is imploding under the the stress due to a mental breakdown of it's leader. My source tells me that Damon has left the organization in the hands of the other Four who have tried to get his news out. But the constant infighting amoung them is putting all of this in jeopardy. Due to his extended stay at a unnamed local sanatorium due to the "stress" from a sudden summer attack of aneurysms, Damon/Kent Barclay has left Kruezer at night on the brink of collapse.

My source tells me that there is a power play going on between Matthew,Marc, and Jon as to who will reign supreme over the orinization. My source also tells me that Damon has a email written to Joe Kerekes were he tells Joe that Brent Corrigan and Aaron Phelps are the same person. My source says that he got this information from Detective Zenobel. "Who by the way is the one who told Damon about Bryan and the witness protection program". My informant said that "Zenobel is a nutcase and could not find his way out of a bathroom". My source said that she loves her son but that she knows that he is Bat Shit Crazy and she does not know what to do about him. She also tells me that Damon said that" Zenoble can time travel and gives me info before it even happens".

Damon also goes on to say that "He can manipulate the future and that is why I was nominated for a cybersocket award". "In the future people love me and respect me and CHI CHI returns my calls". My source is very concerned and the fact Damon has forced her to move so many times does not help her too get him the help that he really needs.

I got a screen cap of the post from damon's blog that was only up for about 10 minutes and then removed. It seems that he has been doing this alot lately. I got a screen grab and posted the pictures here. It seems that Damon is sitting on the email to Kerekes and it is with him at this undisclosed location.

Here are some excerpts from a missing post that Damon posted and removed because he did not want to ruin his hand in the Kocis case.

"Brent Corrigan and Aaron Phelps are the same person. It seems that this information from Detective Zenobel is based on the fact that Bryan was so adamant about seeing Brent's actual birth certificate. Bryan also wanted a record of the birth to make sure that Brent did not have a twin out there."

It has been brought to my attention that Sean and Robert have never been seen together publicly also the rivalry between them is contrived to make it seem that they hate each other. This is direct from the Kruezer!

I am also told that these exclusive pictures are from "special software" that Detective Zenobel has and it is not generally available to the public. This technology is only used by the top government agencies who need to Identify spies.

"In this post Damon claims that he can prove that Robert Wagner and Sean Lockhart are one in the same person."

But it seems that several people saw them at the same time in Vagas at Krave, or did they. Seems that Damon my be on to something with that one. Bryan had a Brent clone with him in Vegas right after he" sent Wagner" home but what is funny is that Zane does exist there is a picture in a hot tube with Sean Lockhart and Dewayne to prove it.

Zenoble claims that this technology will prove without a shadow of a doubt that Robert Wagner and Sean Lockhart are one in the same person.
I was also informed that it appears that Zenoble is working on a theory that there is some kind,of Dr Jekyll Mr Hyde thing going on with Sean.

Damon reflects on Sean's acting roles outside of porn. Just look at the acting roles that he has played out side of porn and in 2 out of the 3 rolls he played psycho.

Damon is also claiming that HSM star and teen heart throb is hiding behind the face of Brent Corrigan. Damon says: Seems when Zac gets the wild urge for some cock he pops in his brown contacts and goes bar hoppin. This is from the Kruezer.

Brent and Zak shown with photo morphing to become Zac Corrigan or Brent Efron

Now you know from back in my days being one of the evil minions for the Dark Lord Damon we would have round table meetings about what the latest"news" would be . We would determine who we were going to report on and based on who we were "mad" at that week for not returning a phone call or who was late paying their publicity fees and we would let the bitch have it. God I miss the old days of calling everyone smelly assholes. But the truth is so much better and I can sleep at night and not have to worry about someone standing over your bed with a long blade knife while I am sleeping, who is debating whether to plunge it in my chest or not.

To tell you the truth I think that truth squad has gotten too Damon because even for him to try to pawn this shit off as news is really a new low even for him.


  1. So this is what the Cybersocket nominee has sunk to how pathetic! Dont know much about Phelps but if he worked with Bryan he is a criminal if I were Damon I'd be worried Phelps might come after my hide.

  2. Aaorn Phelps was the nom de plum that Robert Wagner used at Cobra video

  3. Hey Kentie, come out and play. I know your reading this. Tell us all about you stay at the sanatorium. How is Babs?

  4. 29 Nov 17:25:00 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Quincy

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    29 Nov 17:20:50 Firefox 2.0.0 Windows XP 1024x768 Quincy

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  5. seem that Damon Kruezer is not really a porn biz insider after all there is no mention of him on

    pity that

  6. Great Post,
    Very important news!
    Does anybody know what happened to Emily?-
    that is when it was "the five who are one" but before it was the 4 who are 3?
    One more question where does Paul Barresi fit into the current organization?

  7. Paul Barrasi is the insperation for Det. Zenobel. VJ, Damon has lost his mind and he is trying to make us think that he is viable in the porn industry.

    The real facts are that he has'nt got a clue about anything. He posted a copy of one of Cobra's underage videos on his website. Then when he was informed of his mistake he took it down. then he goes on to make a lame claim that he has never seen the video and that it was only a picture of the DVD that was sent as a thank you gift from Bryan. Then he tries to remove every trace of it from his blog. Also this disc was to play a large part in his expose on Brent.

    what is even more interesting is that Damon was trying to blackmail former cobra models.

    I took the wind out of his sails when I revealed who they were and Damon had nothing to hold over them.

    Damon is desperate and he is scared. He has been told to shape up or go to jail and I think that is why we have not seen or heard from any alters in a while.

  8. Wait, who told kentie to straighten up? For someone laying low bringing up Zac and implying he changes places with brent isn't so smart.

  9. Well who ever said that Kentie was all that smart. He is just like those old movie villians. They always tell you there plot before they do they're evil deed.

    Kentie is no different, you just have to know the thought patterns. You need to be able to profiler multi personalities and to anticipate they're everymove.

    With Kentie that is rather easy because of the simpleness of his thought process and the fact that it must always revolve around himself.

    When kentie mentions Zak he does so in a off handed way and he also mentions himself and that Zak did not recognize him. How he is the script supervisor to aproject that does not exist. How he shows that he has a sort of power to help you. And the biggest one of all, the tie in to the previous story on Brent Corrigan.

    Damon/kentie likes to tie all things together to make it look like some big gradiouse plot when it really is a simple fact that Brent Corrigan and Robert Wagner are not the same person and Zak Efron is not Gay. although he does look remarkably like Brent Corrigan.

  10. Oh as to who told Damon to straighten up I still have not figured that part out yet but I would not be surprised if one of the few people that actually still talk to him might have told him.

    He has not mentioned Angel Skye or Brad Star in over a week. So it could have something to do with them. He has redirected his blogs focus to talk about some little known twinks or some new “Mexican” find that no one has ever heard of. Kent Barclay is a racist pig.

    The last time something like this happened he disappeared for six months, also the last time, when he got cornered about the money that he promised to Harlow he had aneurysms. Maybe he is the one who is going to play the crazy card when they come to get him. Who knows, I just think that big bad Damon Kruezer the Gay Avatar has fucking wimped out.

  11. Kent,
    I did a bit of digging
    [don't say I never did anything for ya]
    I found "El Puma" he was hanging out in Little Havanna here in Miami.
    Strangely enough he was with Emily,
    remember Emily the Lesbian that worked in your office, when you were 5 who were 1?
    Anyway, Emily is no longer a lesbian and "El Puma" said to tell you to go Fuck Yourself.
    He would not be caught dead talking to you nevermind being filmed or photographed by one of your imaginary clients.
    Just wanted you to know, oh he looks great BTW.

  12. I really don't get this whole semi-news thing that Kruezer at night is trying.The blog appears to be lousing all direction and all of it's street cred and as a rebel journalist Damon Kruezer is no more.

    The site is just becoming another cookie cutter gay blog talking about the same old crap and nothing more. Well I guess if Damon kruezer and Kruezer at night want to be accepted as a real journalist then I guess he should try and act like one.

    If this is what we are to expect from a Cybersocket nominated Damon Kruezer then I say take the nomination away. It is like that damn award nomination castrated him and made him docile.

    Since your are going to go down this raod to boredom, then loose all of the psycho color on the blog and try to be more like a news site.

    Most people get a headache when they go to view your page because they can't deal with all the colors. News should always be in Black and white. I would have thought you would have learned that in "Journalism" school.

    So I guess we will just have to watch the demise of this web page as all of your minions fight it out for control while you sit in the corner drooling until they get your meds adjusted.

    Good luck Damon It was fun while it lasted.
