This is a note from the one who shall not be named. It seems that he is sad because he is being ignored and he is no longer relevant to the gay porn industry. I just happened to read his website because I needed a good laugh and I thought that I would post it here for you all to read.
What's with the status of the gav video industry these days? Why are they not giving me any attention? With no one but me commenting so obnoxiously about the Kocis-Cuadra case when I never knew either Bryan Kocis or Harlow Cuadra , why have I said next to nothing about the trial and conviction of Marcus Allen trial in Colorado, or the state of Nickolay Petrov's appeal?
With all my talk about BLAKE RILEY as "the next big thing" why has he been consigned to the leftover bins and hardly mentioned any more? With Michael Lucas' outrageous GAYVN behavior why hasn't he been permanently barred from the GAYVNs and why have I never been invited?
With fellow columnists like JC ADAMS being interviewed with me for the same ADVOCATE article, does it seem passing strange to you that ADAMS steadfastly refuses to acknowledge me or my websites existence on his site? I mean professional rivalry is one thing, but denial by omission of the facts is just as bad as VINCE LAMBERT's newly upcoming status based on his acknowledging only ADAMS as a "legitimate" source of news - and inaccurately and untruthfully crediting ADAMS with the story of the Colt-French lawsuit that was 100% my scoop.
And yet some doubt there really is a GAY PRESS MAFIA who try to filter and control the news by keeping it strictly within their tiny little elitist circle, giving validation only if it appears to emanate from them - regardless of facts, actual source or timeframes. And what about those like Mark Adams or DeWayne in SD who were championing ANGEL SKYE's cause and supporting any outlandishly false claim he made, as aided and abetted by KEVIN CLARKE - the very same people who now have nothing to say or ask about SKYE's sudden disappearing act and the abrupt closure of his website, leaving dozens asking for membership refunds in a growing scandal absolutely NO ONE is talking about in print - except for me, that is.
And why has no one hired PAUL DONAHOE or KENNY JORDAN for "full action" video work - despite their clear insinuations of interest and availability for the right price? All in all, the level of narcissistic self-indulgence among most in the industry is matched only by the persistent myopia shown by most so-called "industry figures" who seem to care only about the stroking of their egos and the fattening of their wallets, where truth, ethics, and fair play apparently count for nothing if it's not seen as "politically correct" among those secretly financing them or giving them unfair competitive advantage.
Case in point: We see now, to our disgust, that no longer hot social networking site that is actually hosting one of the most opportunistic ne'er-do-wells in San Diego history after trying to purloin trade secrets by deception as both insist they're 100% ethical and above board. Such denials of well documented reality and such unethical standards leave the gay video industry in a parlous and morally bankrupt state, dragging down the cause of gay liberation and giving aid and comfort to our enemies.
Time for a tsunami of change, don't you think? What I really mean is will you just pay attention to me. I have posted the most outrageous lies and even claimed that I knew Michael Jackson and no one even blinked what do I have to do to get attention?