Thursday, January 29, 2009

Damon is missing the big picture

Update: Damon Kruezer is claiming that he allegedly got another blogger in trouble for copywrite infringment. How ironic is that when he is the biggest internet thief on the planet.
I guess he is so jealous of all of the bloggers who get more attention than he does.
And because they don't show him the respect that he thinks he deserves, since he spammed that Cybersocket nomination. Poor kentie :-[
These are the words of the Kruezer

Jealous blogger "PC" who never got over DK being the last to interview Harlow and Joe is humiliated and his holier-than-thou credibility destroyed by his own arrogance in unauthorized use of Roecker here!TV interview

posted by MARC Feb. the 1st

Now that Damon is back from Norfolk, Virginia, we are all chortling about the situation the belligerent and pretentious blogger PC got himself into last week. Always the first to point the finger and claim alleged wrongs done by other bloggers, this time it was self-appointed Beacon of Justice Mr. PC himself who got spit roasted between hammer and anvil. Damon and Steve and Don always like to see the tables turned on PC's type, so you won't be surprised if I tell you that some info was given to Regent Media and Mr. John Roecker concerning what was seen as the unauthorized reproduction of Harlow Cuadra's Here! TV interview with Roecker on PC's blog.

Lo and behold, the DMCA takedown notice was immediately forthcoming, and now PC - always so eager to participate in demonizing others - is now looking quite the worse for wear and eating a very generous portion of humble pie. Says the now remorseful PC in admitting guilt, "It was certainly not my intent to violate copyright laws...but rather give everyone an opportunity to read what was said, but in hindsight, it was wrong to do so. My apologies to Regent Media, and my readers."

Says a well respected blogger of our acquaintance who's adept at detecting hypocrisy and double standards:

"I wouldnt put too much weight into what any of them do. All of them have had credibility issues, and their alliance, whatever it is, is barely holding together.

If it weren't for Harlow and Brent/Sean, many of these people would have nothing to blog about it. In fact, their days are numbered, Damon.

Once the trial ends...buh bye".

Damon in one of his best moments comes up with the idea that since he missed out on being one of the first bloggers to mention the pending release of Mark Dalton; he would take a simple statement by David Forrest and make it appear to be a huge press release only to have that lie blow up in his face when he was called on it. Poor Kentie, always a day late fool.


“I am elated that MARK will finally be a free man, again. I think his long stretch behind bars will definitely be his last one.” Regarding his future XXX film work: “I’ll certainly be pitching for him to follow ZEB’S lead and consider doing full gay sex in a XXX movie … but … I don’t think the studios will pay him what he’d be worth. Time will tell.” “Mark will be doing fan appreciation meetings in the Dallas area for now. Hopefully, we’ll get a couple of major TEXAS live appearances, also. I don’t think he’ll be able to travel outside of the state for the beginning months of his parole. We’ll just have to wait and see.”

Looks like Damon got busted for another lie How strange is that. So the idiot is trying the retraction route. How original of him.

NOTE TO OUR READERS: Please note that I have made the editorial decision to remove a comment made uniquely to me by DAVID FOREST concerning ZEB ATLAS and MARK DALTON. This comment has excited wide notice and is of concern to friends of mine, and it's all a misinterpretation I'm happy to resolve. Its removal is noted below as being due to reasons of "editorial clarity", and that's exactly why I removed it. I'm sure that Mr. Forest only meant that he would, as Mark’s close friend, be trying to get him to do some more work in the XXX field. His use of the word "pitching" was NOT meant in Hollywoodland terms regarding the studios, but was intended ONLY to indicate Mr. Forest's continued support of Dalton's XXX interests if and when Daltion decides to pursue such interests. Anything more is not allowed by his agreement with the most Fab of the Scouts, and like GAVIN BRAUN, one should always honor the terms of a very legal contract. I thank Mr. Forest for exclusively giving me the quote in question, and now that the matter is resolved, KRUEZER AT NIGHT wishes both Mr. Forest and the charming and delightful HOWARD of FABSCOUT the very best. in their respective career paths.

Here is another one of Damon's pearls of wisdom. He thinks by calling us fascists it will make him look sympathetic, when it really only makes him look pathetic

GAY FASCISTS and anti-competitive schemers worried about their CC bill links (Hi DeWannabe!) dealt another blow as discriminatory non-facts are removed from Just One Hot Minute; DAMON to issue formal challenge to JASON CURIOUS and JC ADAMS about their inexplicable stated intention: "I'm ignoring Damon on the Cybersocket red carpet" how can you do that Jason and Ben if I'm there as a fellow nominee for Best Blog with the SAME PROFESSIONAL STATUS you have as a result? DENIAL is not just a river in Egypt! Even DeWannabe in SD can't defend such a blatant disregard of industry protocol! READERS chime in, tell us what you think.

These are the words of Damon Kruezer, What a joke that post on Just one hot minute is still there. Kameron's link has changed thats all. So everyone can still see how stupid you are Kentie.
Oh and I doubt you can leave a comment there either. Just like several other blogs and websites you got banned for your spam like activities. Such a pity. Love your post on all of the new models to watch. Seems like your arch nemisis DeWannabe in SD has interviewed more porn stars than you in the short time he has been blogging than you have in the last ten years.

But you call him a wannabe, that is just funny considering you are a never was. Oh yeah Kentie how can JC Adams and Jason Curious ignore you on the red carpet when you won't be there. Come come kentie we all know that you are not going to the ceremony. You never go to any of the industry events and you never have.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Is Damon Keuezer going to disappear again?

Well it would seem that Damon Kruezer is on a tirade about himself being gay bashed by bloggers who are just telling the truth about him. What is funny is that no one has said anything negative about him being gay. That just seems to be something that is rolling around in his deranged mind. Damon is having serious issues with the fact that what he is claiming as the truth is in fact not and he can not handle the fact that he is under a microscope. And now that he has been busted for his lies he is talking about going to London. Seems that London is some new safe haven for all of those involved with Bryan Kocis.

This is damon's last comment on Kameron"s Scotts blog on Just one hot minute.

Damon Kruezer on Sun, 25th Jan 2009 10:10 pm
I have just retrieved all of Derek’s emails and voicemails concerning my appearance on the Derek and Romaine Show several years ago in 2003. I challenge you to ask Derek directly if I appeared as an invited guest BY PHONE on his show talking about Matt Rush and Zeb Atlas, and please do email me with what he says.
I speak to you now through the wonderful high speed Broadband connection I own, through our own server. The webmaster of this site can confirm this. Dial up is sooo 90s. Thanks to the large checks rolling in from satisfied clients we’ve gone FAR beyond it. But hey, keep telling me I’m on dial up and that I live in public housing. Neither are true, but that’s fine, just indulge your delusions. They’re VERY entertaining as you continue to develop your own personal Damon mythology.
Now to the ONLY thing that matters here:
Through all the obfuscation and name calling by people who have absolutely NO idea what they’re talking about and have NO personal or business connection to me and my people at all, the truth is finally out there:
YOU HAVE NOTHING NEGATIVE TO ADDUCE AS EVIDENCE, NO PROOF OF ANY WRONGDOING BY ME AND MY PEOPLE AT ANY TIME IN ANY PLACE. ZERO. ZIP. NADA. Will G and Jim and their cheerleaders don’t have the simple masculine courage to call me, and Brett aka Gavin Braun is still too ashamed he did himself in by dishonoring his contract to say another word.
You should REALLY be concerned about Brett doing that Will G, and believe me I can prove it…but based on the email I just received from someone on this board telling me about the sad reality of Brett’s life now, I am just too saddened for him.
Brett was and is a really interesting and talented man who had strong feelings for me as we see even now, the attraction and chemistry that was SO right…"a top ready to tumble" as one former b.f. told me. But his window of opportunity came and went, and the people who promised to support him if he turned on me weren’t there for him when it mattered. Sad but true.
So much lost potential that only I believed in enough to want to represent him. Did you miss that part, Will G? Brett had only ONE manager in his video biz life, and that was me. My associate met with him and vetted him for me. I took a chance on Gavin Braun only to be betrayed by his own inner conflicts and emotional instability and gullibility to fork tongued competitor’s blandishments that programmed him to fail. A pity. Gavin Braun could have been a huge star, at least as big as Brad Star.
So what do we have here people? Just a small group of self-appointed, apparently self loathing gay men jealous of someone with more talent and drive than they do trying to discriminate against another gay man - the same people who would scream HOMOPHOBE! if they themselves were treated in a similar fashion by employers or clients or relatives and would no doubt scream VICTIM! if I or my associates sent unasked-for spam emails to their friends or made up false claims and misrepresented them on blogs as the Chinchilla puppet does, so hungry is he to trade off the fame of my name.
There really IS a double standard here folks, and I am saddened that you are not here to show respect and consideration to the totally charming, sexy and smart KAMERON SCOTT whose netspace this is.
Instead many of you are here only to try and rain on my parade while shamelessly using Kam and the wonderfully fair-minded Webmaster of this journal, Matthew. That’s a form of both extortion and theft in my view, and I will not countenance it a moment longer.
I respect, like and admire Kameron Scott and Matthew Conaster far too much to participate further now that the central point of my thesis has been admitted to and confessed by the self-appointed haters: THERE IS NO TANGIBLE, VERIFIABLE, DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE OR PROOF OF ANY NEGATIVE CLAIM ABOUT ME AND MINE WHATSOEVER. It’s ALL hearsay, conjecture and baseless innunedo. URBAN MYTH. Nothing more.
So thank you, haters, for establishing the name of Damon Kruezer as a force to reckon with and a name to conjure with.
But many MORE thanks to my fans and friends from I receive such strength, confidence, well wishes and generous support compared to which the haters are merely a cloud on the horizon that quickly passes.
I’m happy that everyone from ZEB ATLAS, Todd Montgomery, David Forest, Chris Steele, Aaron Tyler, Paul Barresi, Brad Benton, the very talented and newly independent BRAD STAR, and especially the wonderful KAMERON SCOTT has interviewed with me, and that Zeb continues to use our interview as a centerpiece of his website.
Kameron and I continue to be on the best of terms, and it is true that I look forward to meeting him in person very soon. He is far too much of an independent spirit to ever give in to your cheap pandering, and like me, he judges other men based SOLELY on his own personal, direct experience with them…NOT on hearsay and other people’s dramas.
Now here is my final thought on this fascinating LOVE-HATE PHENOMENON that you have created:
Most of you sound to me like a desperately conservative, hetero-normative package. Ardently conformist, taking strength in mindless Groupthink, promoting yourselves as self-appointed arbiters of legitimacy and sole definers of who and what is "right" in the gay media community.
As if any such are qualified to sit in judgment of ANYONE, least of all the celebrity you have come to mock but have succeeded only in confirming his importance.
Dear men, our gay rights aren’t about adopting traditional heterosexual values and patterns. Sadly, the articulation of these goals as TEAM KRUEZER and our affiliates have defined them on gay sites and forums also reveals a surprising amount of internalized homophobia as part of the motivation. There was a time when gay personals that used the tag "straight-acting" were criticized; now it is the tag for merchandising gay rights to the general public.
So now you enact the fag-bashing mentality on me, while playing the most homophobic bully in the playground.
Yet in the end, it’s not me who’s hurt or damaged or limited. It is only yourselves, brought low by your own heteronormative bullying behavior pattern, as you seethe with rage against a target that won’t back down and becomes internationally more renowned with every passing day.
I look forward to my TV interview in the UK as I look forward to winning the Cybersocket Award for Best Blog and hopefully, co-hosting the GRABBYS…where I think I will very likely be able to announce the sale of Falcon is indeed a done deal as I have reported, and of which budding writer and great friend Kameron Scott has taken note.
I bid you a most fond adieu friends, fans, and haters alike, as I now move forward to deal with the great issues and challenges ahead as we approach the Great Scattering coming in 2012 and the new leadership required for the Rainbow Tribe in a savaged and radically transformed world.
I see it coming, and I am preparing for it with my adherents.
You should do likewise if you are of the Craft of the Wise of whom I am part.
These are the words of Damon Kruezer, for the final time in this netspace, as the forces of history and destiny combine.
In the name of the immortal gods, I wish you peace.

To me it would appear that this is the last ditch ramblings of a crazy man who has been defeated in his quest for glory. It kind of reads like somthing that the Unibomber would write. He is claiming all of the things that he has done and all that he has achieved when in fact none of it is real. Damon Kruezer is a lost cause and anyone who has anything to do with him is also in a sad state as well. The real facts are that you can remove yourself from him and come away with less damage done but you have to break all of your ties with him. Damon has been a two faced son of a bitch for 10 years and he has attacked those that he claims as his allies and then he uses them to prove that he is a valid entity in the Gay Porn industry.

And now he thinks that he is going to nominated to cohost the Grabby Awards what a fucking joke. First off he has most likely not seen any of the movies nominated and secondly he is not a real entity in the gay porn industry. He has no contacts with any of the studios with the exception of those who throw him a bone to keep him form printing bad things about them. It is these people who give him the little validation that he has all because they are to chicken shit to stand up and tell the truth about what he is and who he is.

Damon Kruezer does not scare me one bit and I will not sit here and let him intimidate me or anyone else if I can help it. He is a sad sorry little lonely man who only has his keyboard to give himself some sense of power. He has no one else but himself to blame for the current situation that he is in. No one with any type of reputation in the gay porn industry will have anything to do with him so he says nasty things about them hoping to get a rise out of them to validate that he has some sense of power.

The fact that it was stated that charges were going to be brought up against him has the old fool scared to death and he does not know what to do. So I guess he is going to slink off into the mist and hide until he thinks it is safe to come back like he has done so many times before. It won't be that easy Kentie we know where you are and we know who you are and we will be there at every turn to let you know that we know this.

That technicolor trash page that you are so proud of will be your ruin because I make a copy of it daily and I have all of the lies right here on my blog for all to see. You can delete the page but it is still in the Internet archives as well and it will be some serious evidence against you in a court of law. So stay scared Kentie stay really scared because the long arm of the law is reaching out to grab you.

And now he is predicting the end of the world as we know it and he is telling us good bye. How sweet Kentie you going away? How long this time? You got busted on Kamerons's blog for posting comments under different names all in praise of you Kentie, that is such a dead giveaway, yet you don't seen to get it. The webmaster knows it Kentie so how are you going to explain that one away? Oh yeah and my favorite thing this week is the reappearance of Bud Foxx's blog that tells all of your dirty little secrets.

Kentie stay stupid cause that is the way we love you.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Damon is making unsubstantiated claims again.

Update: the Bud Foxx blog is back and it should befun going down memory lane and reading about that luezer Damon Kruezer/Kent Barclay. Hey Kentie thisd should be fun for you to see how much you really are loved in the gayporn industry.

Seems that Damon Kruezer is making claims about his sources for news again claiming that he was the first to mention the sale of Falcon Studios to Randy Blue. Funny that he did not mention this until a month after Ebony wood. Seems like this is a recurring thing sort of like the claim that he was the first to mention Ken Star and prop 8, when it was originally mentioned here.

He is using Kameron's blog as a sounding board for his lies again and his attacks against Angel and Brad. This just goes to show what a spineless liar he is and what a fraud he is. I guess since no one reads his blog he has to spread his lies where ever he is allowed. Pity that poor Kentie just does not get it no one give a rats ass about him. In the Gay Porn industry he is just a big joke.

Go ahead and ride that Cybertstalker nomination for as long as you can. I really do hope you win because I just can not wait for the gay porn industry to get a good look at your lying butt. Better book that bus ticket now with all of the cold weather it might take a bit longer to get to California this winter. Oh and if you want to read the latest lies from the biggest tool in gay porn you can read it all here and you don't have to go to his psychotic web page.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Delusional and crazy

These are the latest headlines from the luezers technicolor trash page.


SOMETHING's BACK, SOMEONE is going to be re-interviewed, and the effort to free Harlow begins in ernest...CONNECT THE DOTS

Something languishing in limbo has been brought back because it was time, in advance of the spectacular new interview agreed to. Now is it time for another resurrection as the trial of a misused, misunderstood and severely provoked man begins next February 17th? not in service at this date...

So who is "PC" and what's his deal?
Three words: "elitist", "pretentious", and "exclusionary"

For all those asking me about who or what "PC" is, here's the short answer, in the Kruezer view: PC is a blogger residing in the same general area as the crime he blogs about, a man who pretends to be objectively interested in reporting about the Kocis-Cuadra-Kerekes case but who we allege has actually been hired by influential Washington politicos to deflect certain inquiries, obfuscate certain information, and generally act as a filtering agent to put the right "spin" on the news of the trial for his readers while at the same time lining his pockets with dozens of Google ads based partly on his careful and deliberate manipulation of reader and hit count statistics.

KRUEZER AT NIGHT believes that's his REAL agenda, suddenly appearing in the Blogosphere out of the blue as he did, vaguely alluding to inside sources never named, and refusing to explain what happened to his blogging partner, "KM", who abruptly disappeared for no clear reason. Most damning of all to his claims of being a LEGITIMATE journalist is this: PC is refusing to acknowledge or reference the well documented FACT of DAMON - not "PC" - being the very last journalist to interview Harlow and Joe before their arrests.

Constant readers will quickly discern that in matters of FACT as just referenced, PC can't hide behind personality politics, or hidden agendas, or simple jealousy, in refusing to acknowledge the primacy of DK's reportage as one who was in the mix with Harlow and Joe, and well acquainted with victim BRYAN KOCIS as well as having interviewed BRENT CORRIGAN, many months before PC suddenly manifested himself with his hapless and soon "disappeared" writing partner "KM".

Maybe now you understand why we see "PC" as being so maliciously disrespectful to senior reporters like DK while still fishing for intel from us through his sock puppets, so surrounded by the same 3 cheerleaders, so rapaciously avid to boost his blog's ratings by any means he deems prudent, so censorious of any viewpoint not his own, so vindictive to anyone he thinks crosses him, so smugly complacent and judgmental, and so worried about DAMON and what may yet be revealed from our famous last interview with HARLOW CUADRA and JOE KEREKES on 5/14/07, (the day before their arrests, a FACT that bothers and torments "PC" to no end).

Here's what another not-at-all-mysterious blogger says about this repugnant and manipulative "PC" character, in his own words:

Where does the Dunderwhelp come up with this shit! Apparently he has no clue as to what is really going on with the Bryan Kocis murder case if he prints this type of shit. Now he is trying to allude that he is going to interview Harlow Cuadra again when both Joe and Harlow said in their own words that he never spoke to Harlow. Damon keeps hanging on to that lie like it will help him but the fact is that he has no info on the case. You are also on the refused call list for Harlow, so you can not even get in contact with him.

What is funny is that Elmysterio was in contact with them on the day of their arrest and was also in contact with them after that and he is not talking about some book deal or a video documentary about them. As a matter of fact he rarely blogs about the case anymore. Kentie is so threatened by other bloggers that he is also using Elmysterio's words as evidence in his new online war with PC.

Kentie you totally feel threatened By PC which I find funny. PC is just posting court documents on his blog but he is also a conduit for the republican right wing media. Now that is a big joke. Just like Kentie tried to spread lies about Joe and Harlow being involved with the murder suicide in Florida he has been trying to link this case to so many things that it is just hilarious. The real truth about this case is that it is just a bunch of stupid people who got involved and a stupid man got killed.

Kentie, face it Bryan was a pedophile and you were his friend and that makes you complicit in his actions since you knew about what he was doing and never turned him in. Deal with this Kentie you have aligned yourself with pedophiles before. You even tried to get me a sixteen year old boy to have sex with you. But I refused and to this day you are still spreading lies that we did. When I said no you got back on that bus and went back to Quincy with your tail between your legs. You were fat ugly and disgusting then and you still are to this day.

Deal with that Kentie.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Damon and more lies

It looks like Damon is back up to his old tricks with more lies and bullshit. What is really funny is that he is trying to claim that Brent Corrigan is an escort again. Funny thing is that the picture that he claims came from David Forrest is actually from the box cover of Brent Corrigan's summit. Which was not the picture that was used by David Forrest. Damon is forging emails again and lying to gain some credibility but the fact is he will never have credibility. He has lied about Matt Rush again and he has lied about me. Funny thing is no one believes any of his lies yet he persists in telling them. It just goes to show that he is a sad lonely old freak who has no life and he leaches on those who do.

Damon has no connections to the Gay Porn industry and he tries to make it seen that he does by dropping the names of those who do. Sad as it is he will always be a industry joke. He bashes those who do have credibility and connections because he does not have any. what is funny is that those who he bashes have nothing to say about him because they ignore him and treat him like the joke he really is. do a Internet search about Damon Kruezer or Kruezer at night and you will see what I mean.

The only ones who ever mention him are the sites that tell the truth about him. I wonder where that interview is that he was going to do with Kameron Scott? what I also find funny is that all of the latest news that he has done on his site is a about people who have died. But I guess it is because they can not call him on his lies. Just like he did with Danny Roddick and Brad Renfro and Heath ledger he claims to be their grieving friend. Damon is a fraud and that is all there is to it.
Apparently I have struck a nerve because Damon has mentioned me again. He is still trying to pass off that lie that we had an affair years ago but that is not truth just like the rest of his blog.
And let's be equally clear that the wonderful and charming JONATHAN LOWE of Cockyboy fame is indeed a good friend of our first and best San Francisco twink love, the one and ONLY real Yves Mignon, who is NOT to be confused with the pathetic impersonator using Yves' name to get publicity for his latest round of scurrilous attacks which we are reliably informed are even more desperate sounding than usual. Try as he might that anonymous blogger just can't get any traction for his wild tales but we hear he's being allowed to stay "on the air" only because he's so amusing in his puerile attempt to ride a big name's coattails. He's just like that equally phony "faux fur" man who blathers on about a "trial" that's never happened and never will happen (just look at his sources!) That's the trouble with miscreants like that, misusing the Blogosphere: They promise but they never deliver anything verifiable or remotely accurate - which is why they have ZERO credibility and in-the-basement WEB RATINGS!
Jealous much Kentie.